Portfolio - Programming

Collapsing Cascades

Collapsing Cascades


Personal Web Development project I originally created for a university web development assignment in early 2014 featuring a story I wrote about a group of survivors trying to get through the aftermath of a massive earthquake in Vancouver, Canada.

Updated in the summer of 2016 with responsive web design and elements using Bootstrap and JavaScript, updated story content, and improved artwork.

Share Your Travels

Share Your Travels


University Web Development Assignment I built with a partner of an image gallery featuring photographs, posts, and location information which have their data stored in a MySQL database and retrieved using PHP.

Functions include ability to favorite images and user posts, as well as a shopping cart to purchase images with various customizable features, including image size and stock, frame style, and choice of shipping method.

Rate My Class

Rate My Class

Android Mobile Application I built as part of a team for a university Programming course using C# and XML in Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and Xamarin which allows students to rate and review classes.

Developed with C# and XML using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and Xamarin Studio, this app allows users to rate university courses on a five-star scale in regards to difficulty and overall quality as well as provide additional comments, similar to the website Rate My Professors.

Arduino Ultrasonic Alarm

Arduino Ultrasonic Alarm

Arduino UNO Project I created for a university Robotics course which uses an Ultrasonic Sensor, RFID Tag/Card Reader, Piezo Buzzer, and LEDs to form a motion-activated alarm system with programming coded in C#.

Uses sonar to detect movement, triggering an alarm when objects pass by the sensor.

The Walking Code

The Walking Code

University Java Development Assignment built with Java using BlueJ which is a text-based "dungeon crawler"-style game where the player has to navigate a grid-like map to find the exit point, all while trying to avoid zombies which move randomly and kill in one-hit.

Users enter controls using single-key commands and have the ability to select the type of "overworld" they wish to play in by entering the name of one of the various text files used to construct it stored in the "input" folder.

Catching 'em All

Catching 'em All


Personal Web Development Project which was initially designed to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Pokemon franchise, summarizing many of the games, archiving its history, and discussing its impacts on fans, media, and life in general over the years.

Currently on hiatus as of August 2017 in order to be revamped with a new design framework and conduct further research for content.